Welcome & Introduction

Welcome to the Columbia Boys School website and what we hope will be an all-boys, independent, non-archdiocesan, 6-8th grade school in the Catholic tradition.

We are humbled by the opportunity to serve both Portland Metro, the State of Oregon, and America with our school and the promise of all that it can be and mean.

The Board is motivated to start, develop, and sustain our school to help boys become young men who love God.

We plan for this school to be a force for good and, in a local but significant way, the betterment of boys in the continuing national boys crisis. Columbia Boys School will celebrate boyhood. Every boy in our school will know he belongs here before his first day and every day he blesses us with his presence.

We will teach a classical, Catholic curriculum. Benefits from this include your son gaining enhanced word use precision, increased reading comprehension, and learning the beauty of the historical language of the Roman Catholic Church. The boys will benefit from having Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, a nationally and internationally known Catholic author and speaker, as the school’s Spiritual Director. Deacon Harold also serves as the school’s Board Vice President. Your sons will greatly benefit from Deacon Harold’s example, knowledge, and leadership.

Our students will be taught by a faculty and staff that is predominantly male. That makeup – outstanding men teaching and mentoring your sons – will be totally by design. Our faculty will be well versed in using the now acknowledged single-sex brain science and associated teaching approaches that take advantage of the way boys think, act, develop, and speak as they progress to manhood.

Please know we are flexible in terms of enrollment startup plan for the first year. If the enrollment projections are strong enough, we’ll start classes with sixth and seventh grade (and even eight grade, if warranted).

And last, please consider making an online donation via our website (Visit Donate Page). Financial support is crucial if we are to make our goal of starting classes within the next few years.

Best regards and please let me know if you have any questions,

Brian Burby

President, Columbia Boys School
Portland, Oregon
cell: 503-887-7185